Why I Sing

I was asked today to talk about why I sing, and I realized in trying to answer that question - yeah….I could give you the cliche "I sing because it's something I've always done,” or “it's always been a part of who I am". But that just felt so cliche to me, so I challenged myself to go a little further.

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Tis the Season: Absorbing Rejection Gracefully

I want to talk about what to do if you DON’T book the gig. How to feel if you get the dreaded, “we regret to inform you…” I want to talk about absorbing rejection gracefully…This is not a how to “handle” rejection post. To handle means to feel or to manipulate with the hands. To hold, to pick up, to grasp. All of these imply that after some time, you can set it down again. That definition is temporary.

I mean for you to actually absorb. Let it become a part of your being. Live with it. And then learn from it. And friends, please believe, there is indeed an element of rejection that we must learn to absolutely live with if we are to engage in this field professionally.

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Loving YOUR Voice

Confession: For the longest time, I didn’t like my own voice. I idolized certain singers and styles, and would get *so* frustrated that I didn’t sound like them. What am I doing wrong? Why is it so hard??? Why can’t I just sound more like [insert name here]?” I remember being told to record lessons early in my studies, and I’d do it to fulfill the requirement….but I rarely listened to them. Why? Because it was painful. Again, I didn’t like the way I sounded…

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